MedView Flow Subscription Settings

Three subscription levels for MedView Flow will be available from 1 July 2024:

  • MedView Flow Free

  • MedView Flow Pro

  • MedView Flow Premium

Your pharmacy is placed on the MedView Flow Pro subscription unless you've specifically changed your Subscription Settings to the MedView Flow Free plan. For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions.

View or Change Subscription Settings

  1. Select the icon on the menu to display Settings.

  2. Select Subscription Settings.

    Your current subscription plan is highlighted in blue.

    Premium is not currently available, but will be coming soon.

  3. If you want to change your subscription plan, click the relevant option, then click Save.

    A message displays indicating that your Subscription Plan was successfully updated.

Comparison of Subscription Plans

  Free Pro Premium
Description MedView Flow in-store only MedView Flow with connections to apps and your customers Coming Soon… Adds Premium features to MedView Flow
Charge Free $30 + GST per month per pharmacy * Coming Soon
In-store workflows Available Available
Ability for integrators, apps and customers to send ePrescriptions to the queue - Available
MySL Available Available
Vaccine Baskets - Available
MedView Patient Connect (MPC) - Available
MedAdvisor Integration - Available
Email notification to the pharmacy (if email is configured) - Available
MedView Flow Chat via WhatsApp - Available
MedView Flow Chat via SMS - Available
Medication Management Baskets - Available

* SMS Chat messages sent by your pharmacy will be charged at $0.08 + GST per message.

Frequently Asked Questions